On April 2nd, 2005, along with my husband, I was brought into the wonderful world of parenthood.
My husband and I were married on May the 8th of 2004, and had decided earlier that we would begin trying to have a baby soon after the wedding. I found out I was pregnant on August 1st after spending the recent weeks being tired and having
crazy heartburn. My mom had told me that she had wicked heartburn when she was pregnant with me, so that was my first clue. My husband was very excited, but at first I was reluctant to get too "into" being pregnant, because so much can go wrong those first few months. Despite my crankiness and horrible nausia, I made it through the first 12 weeks with no major problems. With the first 3 months out of the way, I did my best to enjoy being pregnant. I gained a lot of weight quick, partly because I was using food as a vice after quitting smoking. ( I quit the day I found out I was pregnant). I was big and uncomfortable, but couldn't wait to meet the wee one inside of me. I was planning on working until March 11th, but ended up finishing on March the 8th. Only a couple of days early, not too bad. March the 9th I was hospitalized for Pregnancy Induced Hypertension. They say that any pregnant women can get it, but I think it was because I was super *HUGE*! *L* I stayed in the hospital for 3 days, after under strict orders from my wonderful O.B. I was on complete
*BORING* bedrest until our wee one would make his entrance. I was to either an appointment for a Non-stress test, Bio-Physical Ultrasound or regular Doctors visit, about 4 days a week. Finally, after 3 long weeks of my poor parents having to look after me (my hubby was commuting 4 hours a day to trade school everyday) I was put back in the hospital on the 30th of March, with plans of induction on April the 1st.
I was induced at 9:30am on April 1st. I started contractions around 1 o'clock.... 7 minutes... 11 minutes....17......12.... nothing really regular until around 8..... they brought me into the labor and delivery room around 11. After hours of labor and pain and complications, they gave me an epidural.... that was around 6am. by 8 am they had decided that I would need a cesarean. I was begging for a section at 5am!
At 9:18 am on April 2,2005 our wonderful bundle of boy bounced into the world! Kemper Jeffery Blundell, 8lbs 7oz. It was love at first sight!
Kemper had his first road trip that night to Orillia by ambulance. His blood sugar level was low and they couldn't get it up. They don't do baby I.V.'s in Midland, so he would need to go to Orillia's Soldier's Memorial to have one put in... but he would come back to me as soon as he was stabalized. That was the happiest and scariest day of my life. Thank goodness for morphine! It helped me get a little sleep that night. Turns out that he got there and his blood sugar was fine, so he would be brought back in the morning. Well don't you know that the weather was absolutely terrible and abulances were doing emergency runs only. He wasn't even 24 hours old when he was taken from me.... for a full 24 hours. The drivers who had taken him to Orillia volunteered to take him back the next night. Kevin and I were so grateful for that!
We promised Kemper if he came back to us, he could go on a tropical vacation. Really he was jaundiced and needed to go under the Billi-rueben lights for a day, but he didn't know the difference yet.
Next time I'll post some pics of his first few days.