Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Almost 8 Months

...and I apologize for the lull in my writing lately. I've been busy, as you can imagine. Christmas shopping, Christmas baking, hanging with Kemper, and working on the house. I haven't been up to my parents to play on the computer for weeks.

Kemper is changing by the minute. Brighter everyday. And more and more gorgeous everyday.

We've had a family Christmas mid-November and we were able to see all of the family on the Fawcett side. It was great. Great Gramma & Great Grampa were thrilled to see Kemper, and Kemper was equally excited!

This past weekend was my works Children's Christmas party. As in the past couple of years my dad, Kemper's Papa, did his Santa gig. He does an absolutely fabulous job, but despite his jolly nature, Kemper was less than thrilled to be on "the big scary hairy mans" knee. I don't know who was more broken hearted, Kemper or Papa! We'll be trying out the Santa thing again this weekend at the Blundell Family Christmas, and then again at The firefighters Christmas party the weekend after. We don't want to traumatize him, but the my nurse told me that he shouldn't remember much, if any of this stuff.

The wee boy unfortunately has my skin, which seems to be dry already. I'm doing my best to keep him full of moisturizer. Anyone out there have any suggestions?

I will certainly do my best to post more often this month!

Friday, November 04, 2005

7 Months

Kemper will eat almost anything!


"What's that I see?"

Can you believe that it has already been seven amazing months since Kemper blessed our lives? The old saying of "time flies when you're having fun" is ringing so true. Lately, Kemper and I have been enjoying daily walks to take in the crisp fall air. He loves looking at the trees, and he gets a kick out of passers by telling him how cute, or handsome he is. I'm sure he's thinking, "I know!"

A few new things this month, and two of them are teeth. He cut his first tooth on his 6 month birthday and his second two weeks later. He had some days where he was obviously uncomfortable, but it was nothing terrible. *listen to me, it's like I know what he's feeling in his mouth* He started getting rice rusk cookies/ crackers, and he thinks he's the man, feeding himself. We have been having some difficulty around feeding time. He seems to cry through most, if not all, of his sit down meals. I'm sure now that he's just tired of the rice cereal, so I've cut that down and given more veggies, but you would swear that we didn't feed the poor child the way he carries on. He still loves his bottles. He grunt's like a little animal when he sees them, and they best be top priority to the mama if she's got one in his sight.

He still cries at Neptune. A lot. But, very rarely, have we given in. It feels mean at the time, but I'm not about to rock a 6 year-old to sleep. At night, his bedtime runs very smoothly. He loves his bath, and has recently started to fuss when you take him out, maybe trying to tell us, "Hey, I'm not DONE yet!"

Despite my obsessive and compulsive hand washing the past month or so, Kemp man still managed to pick up a cold. It's really nothing serious as of yet. Just a little cough, which we didn't know was real for the first day because he "fakes" so often. He thinks it's pretty neat that he can make the *cough cough* sound and mommy or daddy will say, "My, that's a terrible cough you have!" He's been a little sleepier the past couple of days, and that's either the cold, or another growth spurt.

Kemper and Daddy time is going quite well. I feel so much more comfortable leaving the pair of them alone now. I think my only nervousness before was that I was the milk maker. He wasn't used to a bottle before, so I felt bad leaving Kevin with a babe that may, or may not, take the food he was offering.

The Christmas season is quickly approaching, and daddy and I have got our elves working tirelessly to make Kemper's first Christmas a wonderful one. Taking shifts at the store will really help make Santa's job an easier one. I'm working 3 shifts this week... short ones, but I'm still with out the wee man for 3 shifts! I guess it will ease me back into the work force.

Well, we're off to enjoy some of this beautiful fall day that has been sent our way!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Last Week.... in a Nutshell

It's been so much easier, for obvious reasons, to leave Kemper with his dad lately. Since he's been weaned I've been out on my own a couple of times. Last Thursday I went to work at my mom's store, "Bake and Bits". I left pretty much as soon as Kevin got home from work. I got a couple of calls that night. One was, "Yeah, so how do you open this diaper genie thing?" The "Diaper Genie" is relatively new to our house, so that was understandable. The next one was Kevin saying, "what's wrong? I got a message from your mom saying, "'Pick up the phone, Kevin,'" and he said she sounded upset. Here's the thing, my mom often sounds upset on the phone.... she swears she's not, but sometimes she worries me! I got home around 9:30 to see the wee man in the kitchen sink... and he gave me a big huge smile. So nice to be welcomed home with a sweet smile. I was worried about him being asleep, but apparently he had a nap so he was a little behind schedule.

Friday was a nice evening in.

Saturday I got crazy stuff done around the house. Cleaned all the nooks and crannies. Tucked in speaker wire here and there. After all, it won't be long and he'll be crawling. He's already motoring around the livingroom backwards. He's got the hardwood floor figured out!

Saturday my cousin Sarah was getting married. I missed the ceremony, but really wanted to get to the reception. I knew Kevin had a long day, so my mom and I had intended on going. My mom ended up having a really busy day at work, too. So, I decided that I would go on my own. I'd never gone to a wedding by myself. I am so glad that I went. I ran into two of my most cherished friends Karla and Mark. I haven't seen them since their wedding back in September '03. We've had brief contact, mostly through the Blogging World, but this is the first time I've got to give them great big hugs since a tradgedy struck their hopes and dreams. Their beautiful daughter, Ava Marie, was born with wings on April 14th, 2005, and after seven short hours with her loving parents and family she flew on up to Heaven.

Ava's mommy and daddy are two of the strongest people I know. Despite what they've been dealt, they are dealing. The best way they know how. Together. They are not sitting around feeling sorry for themselves. They are out there making sure Ava's memory is and forever will be, very much alive. They are making their baby girl proud.

Kemper's mama kissed his head when she got home.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Love ya, love ya!

Our sweet angel, sleeping on a fall walk at Gramma's house.

Every fall, when everyone is heading back to school, I find myself longing for the good ol' days. The care free days of college where it was my decision whether I got up to go to class, and just the wonderful times of new friends, and a new city. Not so much this year. I think it may be because I am now my little man's slave, and not a slave to "the man". It's funny how just a few months off and I have not had a back ache (despite carrying the 18 and a half pounder around all day), a stress migraine, or wanted to completely blow my top! Only a few months left, but I hope to be a different person when I head back to work in March. Enough, about that though...

What's new over here? Kemper is now weaned from his mama. I was indecisive near the end at whether or not to keep the before bed feeding. It was an easy enough decision as I stood in the mirror and saw the breast pads through my T-shirt.... enough of that already! When I was pregnant I told Kevin I would nurse for a month, and then I would return to my selfish ways... I wanted to go back on my acne meds, and I wanted to have a cigarette. Little did I know that when Kemper was placed in my arms my selfishness would subside. All I cared about was Kemper and his health. I have given him everything I could, and I managed to nurse for 6 and a half months. And I will continue to give him the gift of a non-smoking mommy. I think at the beginning of my pregnancy, it was just, like I said before, the selfishness of wanting to be *my own* person again. I don't need cigarettes to be my own person.

Kemper had his first and second over nighter in the same week! Kevin and I were lucky enough to join his brother Shane and his girlfriend Sandra for the Leafs game last Tuesday night. It was nice to be able to leave him and be comfortable with it. When he was brand new, I had a hard time leaving him at all, let alone for the night. I felt good about being out as a couple with my husband, but I did miss the little one. I held back from calling Nana and Papa just to see what he was doing. I was there to pick him up at 7:30am. Corson was more excited to see me then Kemper was! *L*

We went to Kevin's cousin Chris and Carlissa's wedding on Saturday. Again, was 100% comfortable with it, but just missed him. It got a little easier through the night as I was distracted by dancing. We returned to the hotel around midnight, and I told myself that "yes, it is too late to call.... and if they needed me, they'd call!" We had breakfast the next morning at Kevin's Uncle Don and Aunt Linda's with Brain, Amanda, and Grandma and Grandpa Fawcett. It was a very nice visit, and when we said our good-byes, I was ready to be home.
24 hours and he didn't forget who we were!

He's been blowing raspberries for a while now, but now he's trying to do the little indian chant on his own, and to move his fingers up and down on his own lips to make silly sounds.

He still only has the one tooth, but I'm pretty sure there are more on their way shortly. He's constantly gumming on something, usually whatever he can get his mouth on, even his pudgy little toes.

Tonight we begin a new phase, as mommy heads to work at the store when daddy gets home from his day at work. Daddy will be flying solo from dinner until bed time tonight. I might be home on time to say good night, if he's up past 9. If not, I will learn how daddy feels when he is out late and only gets to kiss the sleeping head of our beautiful baby boy.

So, good night Sweet Angel, mama will see you in the morning.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Six Sweet Months

Here's the K-dog in the kitchen sink. He loves, loves, loves the bath!
This is the little man on his 6 month birthday! Look at me now!

Our First Family Photo

This photo was taken by Gramma B., who was fortunate enough to be at the hospital when we got the wee man back from Orillia the night after he was scooped away from us with low blood sugar.

I can hardly believe he was that small!

PS I know you're probably thinking "enough with the old pics! Let's get some new ones!" I'll do my best to get some on tonight!

Monday, October 03, 2005

Wrapped around his baby finger

Kemper has picked a fine time to start saying mum-mum-mum-mum-mum.

As I lay him down for his morning nap and walk away, ofcourse the tears start. It's kind of a *I'm-not-even-tired-why-are-you-doing-this-please-just-hold-me-and-love-me* cry, but you know how we're trying to break the poor lad of needing us to fall asleep. So I walk back down to check on the teary eyed boy, and to re-insert the Nuk in his mouth, when he looks straight up at me and in a teary voice he says, "mum-mum-mum-mum-mum". Almost like, "see, I know who you are, and I want you to PICK ME UP!" Let me tell you, it takes everything (and I *do* mean everything) not to pick him up and cuddle my wee soldier.

We have been able to have some mommy-baby bonding time through the nights recently. On Saturday night I was awoken by some serious crying. This is quite unusual for Kemper, who usually just wimpers a bit and maybe talks a little. When I went into the nursery he was on all fours crying and rocking back and forth. Something had to be upsetting him... and Sunday, we discovered what that was!

Kemper got his first TOOTH!

Jen and I decided to do something to celebrate the beautiful fall day, so with Kemper in tote we took off to the Collingwood area to get some apples. We had an interesting time with no map or real idea of where we were going, but we found some fresh local apples. Originally we had planned on looking for a U-Pick orchard but ended up being just as satisfied with some already picked ones. We asked the girl at the apple stand if she knew of any good places to eat, and she recommended Piper's in Thorbury. The food was fantastic. Kemper had some yummy beans and rice cereal (no, they don't serve baby food, mama brought it with us). He played in the highchair while we ate. And I'm not really sure how I ended up with my finger in his mouth, but.... that-kinda-feels-like-a-tooth! Holy smokes! So that's what all the fussin' was about! Poor lil dude!

I have come to the conclusion that I am in for itwhen Kemper gets older. Perhaps even just a little bit older. He has been such an incredible baby. I mean, who really deserves a baby *this good*? If Kemper cries, there is something wrong. He's not a "well, I just feel like crying" baby. And I have gotten *countless* comments on what a happy baby he is. And he is. This morning when I went to answer his calls from his crib, he just looked up and smiled in the darkness. What a perfect angel. The most beautiful smile I've ever seen.

I never imagined I would love being a mom this much.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Wishes for Kemper

I was thinking this may be a good avenue to have our friends and family post some wishes for our sweet baby boy... please post a comment to send him wishes!


Monday, September 26, 2005

Like the Leaves of Fall...

...our little man is changing.

Fall is one of my favorite times of year. I am so lucky this year to be sharing the fall with Kemper. We are enjoying our nightly walks with Auntie Jen and Corson. Now that the cooler weather is here, Kemper is often in some warm and fuzzy fleece and his mama can't stop cuddling him. I've been told on more than one occasion to take it all in now, because he won't want mommy mauling him with hugs and kisses forever. I will certainly take what I can get now.

Kemper's newest trick: sitting up solo.
He looks so darn sweet. All little and cute, and sitting up straight!
(I'm having issues with posting pics right now, but will post some of this feat asap)

We're getting on a pretty good schedule with eating, naps, bathtime and bedtime. The past week or so, he's been sleeping from 9ish until 6 or 7.
It's funny though, when Kemper was wee and he was waking up a few times a night, it never really bothered me. (Mind you, there were a few nights that I could've done without the company!) I think I just looked at it as quality time, and that it wouldn't be forever, so again, I should take it in.

Kemper goes to sleep on his own in his bed pretty much every nap and at bedtime now. There again, are exceptions, like when his Papa feels the need to rock him to sleep. Can't blame him though, it really is one of the best feelings in the world.

Well, that's all for now... but I'll post some new pics as soon as I can!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


To Kevin and I it sure sounds like he's callin' for his DA-DA, but he's actually just figured out how to put a couple of sounds together and spew them out repetitively. It really is a beautiful sound!

For a while he seemed to stop "talking" as much, and did a lot more observing. Now he's found his voice again, and will talk and screech up a storm while hangin' out in his Exersaucer.

On the food front, Kemper has now added squash, sweet potatoes, and wax beans to his pallet. All seem to go over quite well. He has informed me that cereal must come first or else he has no interest in it. He is also having a 4 oz. bottle of formula with lunch and dinner. We'll probably add one more bottle of formula to the mix later this week. Kemper is yummin' up the formula, so needless to say, weaning is going quite well. I guess we'll see how it's working on mom when we add another bottle to the mix.

With the cooler temperatures here, I guess it's official, my first "summer off" in I guess 13 or 14 years is over. We're looking forward to the next 6 months to hang out together!

Well, that's all for now!

See you soon!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

If I Had a Million Dollars

I would shop til I dropped! I've found that since I've had my wee boy, I've wanted nothing more than to buy him things here and things there! He's been blessed (by blessed I mean spoiled) by everyone he knows, or doesn't know for that matter. When we were in the hospital and even soon after, we were spoiled with gifts from friends and family, aswell as from people that we'd never met. Things from friends of our parent's, gifts from co-workers of our parents. It is truly incredible.

Recently my cousin Nicole and Aunt Katherine went to New York City for a visit... and they came back with gifts for Kemper! How thoughtful! He's got an navy blue FDNY onsie and a red FDNY t-shirt for when he's a bit bigger.

This week Nana, Papa, Kemper and I made the trek down to the much anticipated Vaughan Mills. Did I mention I like to shop for my wee man? Oooh, Roots and Old Navy and The Childrens Place! Luckily I had other people to buy for... I managed to scoop up some deals on gifts for our God sons, and a few other things here and there. My last purchase of the day, was certainly my favorite. Kemper's Halloween costume... Ohmagawd! We already new he was the cutest boy in the whole wide world, but this just reiterates that fact. I'll give you a clue.... *ROAR*

We're going out to buy a new car seat for the K-dog today. I'm sure he's not yet over the weight for his current one, but he won't be long now!

The whole "Crying it Out" is working... but let me tell you, he sure does cry! Some day's more than others, depending on how tired he is. It's a lot less stress on the mom when she's not holding the screaming, frantic, "I'm so NOT tired" baby.

Well, I'm off to start baking a cake for my gramma's birthday. I'll post pictures if it's pretty!

Friday, September 09, 2005

Mmmm... Peas and Carrots!

In the past week we've introduced 4 new things.

First we tried some peas and yummy yummy! Personally, I can't even handle the rancid smell of the green matter that pours from the wee Heinz jar, but I still dab it to my lip to make sure that it's at an edible temperature.

Second we moved onto a brighter more stain leaving vegetable.... bright orange carrots. These too were a hit with the wee lad.

Just yesterday I introduced formula into a mid day feeding. I originally hadn't intended on nursing this long, but now, I'm actually having mixed feelings of letting it go. I think Kemper and Mommy are both ready for this though.

And the last, and the most trying event of this week, is starting to let the Kdog "cry it out". I guess I've spoiled him until now.... well I don't guess, I know. I couldn't help but hold him until he went to sleep. It was such a wonderful feeling. Until about a month ago. He started swatting and crying and carrying on to do anything he could to not fall asleep. This in turn was upsetting the mom, which would only make the babe feel worse I'm sure. Crying it out seemed mean... until I tried it.

He cried for probably a total of an hour and a half yesterday, and as much as I don't like to hear him cry, it's healthy for babies to cry. I'd sneak it every once in a while to make sure he wasn't stuck anywhere, and even to give him his Nuk back. But then.... he fell asleep! I am so glad that I finally tried this. I had thought about it, but I thought I was mean to do it. My mom suggested to me the other day to just try it. So I did. You know, maybe mom's do know everything! I know that I've got a few more years to put in until I know quite as much as my mom, but I'm working on it.

It's the little things lately that have been making me grateful for one of my best friends. Thanks mom!

Friday, September 02, 2005

Five Months

Five months ago today, we were oogling and adoring our new little man. Can you believe it's been 5 whole months already?

A few things that have happened this month:
  1. The wee man started eating rice cereal. Mmmmm
  2. Kemper spent the evening with Nana and Papa while mommy and daddy went to a movie.
  3. He's becoming more mobile.... even if it means he has to roll himself all over the living room.
  4. Aunty Jen had her first night flying solo with the young lad while mommy and daddy went to Boner and Michelle's wedding.
  5. Mommy, Jen and Kemper went to the Elmvale Jungle Zoo.
I haven't been feeling that great lately. My allergies are really taking a beating on me this year. I look like I walked into a wall face first, and I feel about the same. Unfortunatly, my mood is trickling down to Kemper. I guess because I'm out of whack and I don't feel like playing and carrying on quite as much as usual, he's feeling bored and cranky. The pharmacist gave me some new allergy meds to try and they seem to be working a tiny bit better than the old stuff I was taking.

I'm feeling a bit better and that energy is moving on down to Kemper. Yay!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Four Generations of Blundells

This past Saturday we joined the family in celebrating Great Nana's 87th birthday. This was the first time that Kemper was able to meet his Great Nana. It was a great time, despite the rain that we brought with us.

If you were to meet Nana, I don't think you would guess that she's 87. Although her vision has for the most part left her through Glaucoma, she still gets around pretty well. She lives on her own in an apartment (although if she had her way she'd still be in the old farm house).

There's nothing better than sitting around listening to some of the stories that Nana has to tell. We're looking forward to hearing many more!

Happy 87th Birthday, Great Nana!

Friday, August 26, 2005

A Date with the Dukes

Last Saturday Kevin and I had our first night out sans baby. We both grew up watching the Dukes of Hazzard so we were really stoked when we found out there was a movie coming out. We had asked my parents to watch Kemper for us about two weeks before we had actually planned on going.

Nana and Papa were excited to have their first night with Kemper sans mommy and daddy. We decided to go to the late show, so unfortunately, Kemper was sleepy not long after Nana and Papa got to our house.

Kevin and I had a great time, although it was definitly different not having my boy with me.... even if it was only for a few hours.

The next big step is this Friday. We are going to Boner and Michelle's wedding, and my friend Jen will be watching Kemper for us. This will be the first time that someone besides myself or Kevin will have to feed him dinner, bath him and put him to bed. I'm sure Jen will be fine... I sure hope so anyway.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I've Got My Toes!

Picnics in the Park

We've been pretty lucky this summer to have company almost every week! Gramma Brown has made and effort to come up as much as she was able to this summer to visit with us. There have been weeks where we were lucky enough to have 2 visits in a week! Gramma has to go back to work in the next couple of weeks when school starts. I'm sure we'll still see her often, but I must say, her visiting this summer has been nice for me. Sometimes through the day, you just want to talk to someone who doesn't wear sleepers with feet and drool! I'm talking about Kemper here, not Kevin! I absolutly love my time with my son, but 8 hours is a long time sometimes.

I've been fortunate enough to see my friend Jen and my cousin Stephanie almost daily lately with our nightly walks. We plan on continuing this, minus Steph, because she goes back to the University of Waterloo in less than two weeks.

Gramma Brown and I had been planning a picnic in the park for most of the summer, but everytime we got together it would be yucky weather. Finally, two weeks ago the weather was nice enough and we were able to get our picnic in. There is a waterfront park very close to our house so we ventured out with stroller and picnic basket in tote. Once we reached our destination, we couldn't help but notice how WiNdY it was! We were able to enjoy our lunch, but didn't spend as much time down by the water as we may have like to, as the wind was threatening to blow Kemper away!

Thanks for a fun summer Gramma B!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Am I Crazy?

Until last night, I'd never mentioned one of my new found fears to anyone. Since becoming a mom I've developed the "over-protective-mom-gene" that I swore I'd never have. I think it's something that takes over when you are pregnant.

Before I was expecting, I used to be pretty fearless, other than ofcourse my aracnaphobia. I'd stay home alone on weekends when Kevin would be gone and feel fine. Afterall, Corson (our dog) was with me, and frankly, I never really thought that anything could go wrong. Suddenly, with finding out I was pregnant came this protect mode. I started being afraid of being alone at night in our house, even with Corson with me. When Kevin would go out of town for the weekend I would sleep with a bat beside the bed! Who was this crazy lady who had taken over my body? I used to LOVE a great scary movie (although Texas Chainsaw Massacre made my chest hurt!), but when I was with child I couldn't stand them! I've been a little better with watching them since I've had Kemper, but I still close my eyes sometimes watching CSI!

This was not my new paranoia....

Ever since I had Kemper, I've been afraid of someone taking him. I heard the Elisabeth Smart story and it made me sick. What would stop someone from coming in our house and taking our boy? We live in a bungalow, and I normally didn't have a problem with the windows being open, our pooch is pretty alert and lets us know if something is going on around us. But, what if? What if Corson slept though it? What if there was little or no noise in the room next to ours? Jeepers.... So to help myself sleep better at night, Kemper's window is closed and locked! (and double checked!)

As crazy as I feel, I guess it's "mother's instinct", or maybe it's my mom's over-protectiveness being passed on to me! Thanks MA!

Monday, August 15, 2005

A Few Pics....

Kemper at 4 months, on August 2.

This is the first time I got to hold the little man.

Tannin' in style!

Mmmmm..... milkshake!

Mommy & Kemper at Great Grandpa & Grandma's in Dorset.

Kemper on his first boat ride.... Lookin' pretty darn cute in that life jacket, don't you think?

We're having so much fun!

Now, it has been quite a while since I have posted. Call it laziness I guess.

There have been so many changes in the little man lately. I've started him on rice cereal and he seems to have gotten the hang of the whole eating thing. It's really amusing to watch him eat. His chubby little cheeks squishing out cereal down his chin! Mama's little sweetie pie. He's holding himself up on his arms now, and he thinks he's pretty darn smart.... so do I!

Kemper just rolled from his belly to back yesterday for the first time. We're so proud of him, but we just can't believe how quickly the time has gone by.

Kevin and I have promised that we will not ever say "I can't wait" with Kemper. More or less, we want to enjoy every moment we have with him. We don't want to rush to the next stage!

I think Kemper might be teething.... he just seems out of sorts. We would certainly never label him as a crier, but this past week, he's cried much more than normal. I suppose it could have something to do with the lack of pooping as well. Kemper used to poop like 5 or 6 times a day.... at about three months he slowed down to once a day and the last couple of weeks he's been skipping a few days at a time. Apparently it's normal in breastfed babies, but I think I'll make a doctors appointment this week. I didn't start food until about a week after his new BM schedule, so I'l have to talk to the doc about this too. He still spends most of his day happy and himself, but he has moments....

I've finally committed to a routine of excercise for myself. I gained a whopping 65 pounds while I was pregnant, and I still have 15 to lose. My best friend Jen and I have committed to walking every night. Walking with Jen is great because she's a fast walker. Kevin's a pretty quick walker too, but because he play's ball a couple of times a week isn't able to walk every night with me. And frankly, I don't know if he'd want to walk as far and as much and Jen and I are. Kemper and Corson, our pooch, both seem to be enjoying the walks as much as their mom is!

I just found out from my old partner at work that our position (shipper/receiver) may be switching to 3 shifts at work. I sure hope we don't. I worked shift work for a brief period of time when I started there, and I hated it. I can't even imagine it now, with having a baby. *sighs* I'm not really sure what I plan on doing now. Ideally, I would love to work from home, but I'll have to find something that I'll enjoy doing with a significant income. I like spending money way too much to not have any of it. I'm sure I'll be able to adjust to working shift work.... or will I?

Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer, we sure are!

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Me wearing the same gown 26 years ago, May 1979 Posted by Picasa

Kemper and Aunt Debbie (the 49 year old who was the first to wear this gown) Posted by Picasa

Kemper carrying on a tradition. Christening Gown is 49 years old. Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 15, 2005

Rollin', rollin', rollin'!

So at just 3 months and 11 days, the wee man is rolling over! I could see it coming, but didn't think that it would be happening this quickly! As soon as he got the hang of getting his head over, whew, look out!

Kevin and I aren't sure if it's because we've never seen any other babies grow up, or whether ours is just advancing quickly, but it seems like Kemper is just a quick learner!

Friday, June 24, 2005

49 years old, and still beautiful!

The 49 year old I'm talking about is the Christening gown that my son will be wearing this weekend when he is Baptised. When Kevin and I were married in the Catholic Church we decided that our children would be baptised Catholic. Kevin was baptised United. I was baptised Catholic and I went to a Catholic elementary school, but lost touch with my Faith when I went to highschool. I knew there was a God, but I just didn't agree with some of the things that "Good Catholics" were supposed to be about. I don't think you're neccessarily a "good Catholic" just because you go to church every week, especially if you talk about other people and are just not a nice person. I don't go to church every week. I don't even pray every day, but I know that when I need him, and always, God is watching out for me. I want these beliefs instilled in our son. God forgives our sins, but we should do our best to be a kind and considerate to eachother.

After the Christening I will post some pics of Kemper as well as myself (26 years ago!!) in the gown.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

The joy that is Kemper

As I sit here in front of the computer, my little one sits beside me on the counter, just staring my way. The bond that we have developed in just a few short months is incredible. Everytime I look at him I smile, and everytime I smile, he smiles. What an incredible being my husband and I have created. It's hard to tell because he is so young, but he seems genuinely happy. When he wakes up in the morning or from napping, you just have to say "hello" to him to find a smile... sometimes no words are necessary, and just looking down at him in his big crib is enough for a grin.
Kevin and I are so lucky to have come upon this wonderful soul that is Kemper. I love you baby boy!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

What are little boys made of?

The song goes something along the lines of "dirt and snails and puppy dog tails, that's what little boys are made of". I'm sure that we'll get to that point, but as for right now, he is everything wonderful! We can already feel the love that radiates from this little boy; by the way he looks at us..... the way he coo's to try to communicate with us... what an angel!

At his two month check up, I asked the doctor the same thing I asked at his 1 month check up, "Is that thing ever going to fall off?" By "that thing", I was refering to his cord stump. In everything you read and with everyone you talk to, the stump should fall off within 7 to 14 days. Kemper's finally fell off on June the 6th. That's 9 1/2 weeks!

Another milestone met this week, last night he slept from 10:30 until 5:30! I'm certainly not expecting this every night from here on in, but it sure was nice! I only got up once through the night to "pee", a.k.a. checking on Kemper. Sleeping peacefully, like the lil' sweetpea that he is.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Zoooom- there goes the first 2 months!

Considering it felt like I was pregnant forever, the past two months have flown by. Kemper had his two month vaccinations today, and I'm not sure who it hurt more, Kemper or mommy! His doctor suggested Infants Tylenol a couple of hours before we went, so I'm sure that eased at least a little of his pain. Truth be told, he cried more when he was put on the scale that when he got poked! Our "wee one" is weighing in at a whopping 14.5lbs! He is a big boy, and when people ask how old he is, they are always quick to say "my goodness, he's big, isn't he?" The doctor said he's healthy, and looks great, but mom & dad already knew that!

2 month pictures are on the way!

What an angel! Posted by Hello

What a proud daddy! Posted by Hello

"Oooh it's cold out here!" Posted by Hello

Friday, May 27, 2005

Kemper's First Picture Posted by Hello

Our First Overnighter

Today we're all heading to Kevin's dad and step mom's place. Kemper gets to meet some of the other side of his family tomorrow at a meet'n'greet shower. I thought that I packed a lot when it was just Kevin, Corson (our dog) and myself. Well! Let me just say that since Kemper's come along, Corson doesn't really get to come on road trips anymore! Despite having a four door vehicle (mind you it is a Civic), we just seem to pack it full with everything baby! Corson gets to stay at Nana & Papa's in Penetang this weekend, he really likes it there..... they still let him sleep on their bed....

I decided to start packing this morning as soon as I got up so we could leave as soon as Kevin was ready after work. So I have a pack of diapers in the trunk from our shopping trip yesterday, makes it easier than packing some in a bag, a large diaper bag filled with stuff for baths, blankets and receiving blankets.... Kemper is a wee puker! Then ofcourse we need sleepers, and onesies, and pants, and sweaters, and shortsies, and his cute little overalls, and bibs, and hats, and of course the kitchen sink! I'm sure I'll get better at packing, but as for now, I don't really know what I'll need, so PACK EVERYTHING! Now, this trip we are staying in a house, with heat, and a crib for Kemper, and a wee bathtub, etc.... I think my plans of camping later this summer might be shot! (That is unless we get a bigger vehicle!!!! *L*)

Kevin will be continuing on to the cottage tomorrow, so I packed him some stuff in a back pack... and for the first time, all of my stuff fits in our smallest suit case! I guess this is how it will be from here on in! Who would've thought that *I* would sacrafice some (most) of the trunk space for someone else.... mind you, that someone else is the most perfect little man in the whole wide world!

We're grateful everyday for our little "Superman"!

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Mandi's a mommy!

On April 2nd, 2005, along with my husband, I was brought into the wonderful world of parenthood.

My husband and I were married on May the 8th of 2004, and had decided earlier that we would begin trying to have a baby soon after the wedding. I found out I was pregnant on August 1st after spending the recent weeks being tired and having crazy heartburn. My mom had told me that she had wicked heartburn when she was pregnant with me, so that was my first clue. My husband was very excited, but at first I was reluctant to get too "into" being pregnant, because so much can go wrong those first few months. Despite my crankiness and horrible nausia, I made it through the first 12 weeks with no major problems. With the first 3 months out of the way, I did my best to enjoy being pregnant. I gained a lot of weight quick, partly because I was using food as a vice after quitting smoking. ( I quit the day I found out I was pregnant). I was big and uncomfortable, but couldn't wait to meet the wee one inside of me. I was planning on working until March 11th, but ended up finishing on March the 8th. Only a couple of days early, not too bad. March the 9th I was hospitalized for Pregnancy Induced Hypertension. They say that any pregnant women can get it, but I think it was because I was super *HUGE*! *L* I stayed in the hospital for 3 days, after under strict orders from my wonderful O.B. I was on complete *BORING* bedrest until our wee one would make his entrance. I was to either an appointment for a Non-stress test, Bio-Physical Ultrasound or regular Doctors visit, about 4 days a week. Finally, after 3 long weeks of my poor parents having to look after me (my hubby was commuting 4 hours a day to trade school everyday) I was put back in the hospital on the 30th of March, with plans of induction on April the 1st.

I was induced at 9:30am on April 1st. I started contractions around 1 o'clock.... 7 minutes... 11 minutes....17......12.... nothing really regular until around 8..... they brought me into the labor and delivery room around 11. After hours of labor and pain and complications, they gave me an epidural.... that was around 6am. by 8 am they had decided that I would need a cesarean. I was begging for a section at 5am!

At 9:18 am on April 2,2005 our wonderful bundle of boy bounced into the world! Kemper Jeffery Blundell, 8lbs 7oz. It was love at first sight!

Kemper had his first road trip that night to Orillia by ambulance. His blood sugar level was low and they couldn't get it up. They don't do baby I.V.'s in Midland, so he would need to go to Orillia's Soldier's Memorial to have one put in... but he would come back to me as soon as he was stabalized. That was the happiest and scariest day of my life. Thank goodness for morphine! It helped me get a little sleep that night. Turns out that he got there and his blood sugar was fine, so he would be brought back in the morning. Well don't you know that the weather was absolutely terrible and abulances were doing emergency runs only. He wasn't even 24 hours old when he was taken from me.... for a full 24 hours. The drivers who had taken him to Orillia volunteered to take him back the next night. Kevin and I were so grateful for that!

We promised Kemper if he came back to us, he could go on a tropical vacation. Really he was jaundiced and needed to go under the Billi-rueben lights for a day, but he didn't know the difference yet.

Next time I'll post some pics of his first few days.