Thursday, September 15, 2005

If I Had a Million Dollars

I would shop til I dropped! I've found that since I've had my wee boy, I've wanted nothing more than to buy him things here and things there! He's been blessed (by blessed I mean spoiled) by everyone he knows, or doesn't know for that matter. When we were in the hospital and even soon after, we were spoiled with gifts from friends and family, aswell as from people that we'd never met. Things from friends of our parent's, gifts from co-workers of our parents. It is truly incredible.

Recently my cousin Nicole and Aunt Katherine went to New York City for a visit... and they came back with gifts for Kemper! How thoughtful! He's got an navy blue FDNY onsie and a red FDNY t-shirt for when he's a bit bigger.

This week Nana, Papa, Kemper and I made the trek down to the much anticipated Vaughan Mills. Did I mention I like to shop for my wee man? Oooh, Roots and Old Navy and The Childrens Place! Luckily I had other people to buy for... I managed to scoop up some deals on gifts for our God sons, and a few other things here and there. My last purchase of the day, was certainly my favorite. Kemper's Halloween costume... Ohmagawd! We already new he was the cutest boy in the whole wide world, but this just reiterates that fact. I'll give you a clue.... *ROAR*

We're going out to buy a new car seat for the K-dog today. I'm sure he's not yet over the weight for his current one, but he won't be long now!

The whole "Crying it Out" is working... but let me tell you, he sure does cry! Some day's more than others, depending on how tired he is. It's a lot less stress on the mom when she's not holding the screaming, frantic, "I'm so NOT tired" baby.

Well, I'm off to start baking a cake for my gramma's birthday. I'll post pictures if it's pretty!

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