Friday, September 09, 2005

Mmmm... Peas and Carrots!

In the past week we've introduced 4 new things.

First we tried some peas and yummy yummy! Personally, I can't even handle the rancid smell of the green matter that pours from the wee Heinz jar, but I still dab it to my lip to make sure that it's at an edible temperature.

Second we moved onto a brighter more stain leaving vegetable.... bright orange carrots. These too were a hit with the wee lad.

Just yesterday I introduced formula into a mid day feeding. I originally hadn't intended on nursing this long, but now, I'm actually having mixed feelings of letting it go. I think Kemper and Mommy are both ready for this though.

And the last, and the most trying event of this week, is starting to let the Kdog "cry it out". I guess I've spoiled him until now.... well I don't guess, I know. I couldn't help but hold him until he went to sleep. It was such a wonderful feeling. Until about a month ago. He started swatting and crying and carrying on to do anything he could to not fall asleep. This in turn was upsetting the mom, which would only make the babe feel worse I'm sure. Crying it out seemed mean... until I tried it.

He cried for probably a total of an hour and a half yesterday, and as much as I don't like to hear him cry, it's healthy for babies to cry. I'd sneak it every once in a while to make sure he wasn't stuck anywhere, and even to give him his Nuk back. But then.... he fell asleep! I am so glad that I finally tried this. I had thought about it, but I thought I was mean to do it. My mom suggested to me the other day to just try it. So I did. You know, maybe mom's do know everything! I know that I've got a few more years to put in until I know quite as much as my mom, but I'm working on it.

It's the little things lately that have been making me grateful for one of my best friends. Thanks mom!

1 comment:

NegZero said...

Mmmm.. And with the solid foods comes even smellier diapers... enjoy! he he.. Letting them cry is hard, but if it's just for attention in the middle of the night you'll be thanking yourself when you finally get to have nice long night sleeps again, we're just starting to get that back and it's gonna disappear soon enough.. DAMMIT! Ah well.. TTYL Mandi.