Thursday, October 20, 2005

Love ya, love ya!

Our sweet angel, sleeping on a fall walk at Gramma's house.

Every fall, when everyone is heading back to school, I find myself longing for the good ol' days. The care free days of college where it was my decision whether I got up to go to class, and just the wonderful times of new friends, and a new city. Not so much this year. I think it may be because I am now my little man's slave, and not a slave to "the man". It's funny how just a few months off and I have not had a back ache (despite carrying the 18 and a half pounder around all day), a stress migraine, or wanted to completely blow my top! Only a few months left, but I hope to be a different person when I head back to work in March. Enough, about that though...

What's new over here? Kemper is now weaned from his mama. I was indecisive near the end at whether or not to keep the before bed feeding. It was an easy enough decision as I stood in the mirror and saw the breast pads through my T-shirt.... enough of that already! When I was pregnant I told Kevin I would nurse for a month, and then I would return to my selfish ways... I wanted to go back on my acne meds, and I wanted to have a cigarette. Little did I know that when Kemper was placed in my arms my selfishness would subside. All I cared about was Kemper and his health. I have given him everything I could, and I managed to nurse for 6 and a half months. And I will continue to give him the gift of a non-smoking mommy. I think at the beginning of my pregnancy, it was just, like I said before, the selfishness of wanting to be *my own* person again. I don't need cigarettes to be my own person.

Kemper had his first and second over nighter in the same week! Kevin and I were lucky enough to join his brother Shane and his girlfriend Sandra for the Leafs game last Tuesday night. It was nice to be able to leave him and be comfortable with it. When he was brand new, I had a hard time leaving him at all, let alone for the night. I felt good about being out as a couple with my husband, but I did miss the little one. I held back from calling Nana and Papa just to see what he was doing. I was there to pick him up at 7:30am. Corson was more excited to see me then Kemper was! *L*

We went to Kevin's cousin Chris and Carlissa's wedding on Saturday. Again, was 100% comfortable with it, but just missed him. It got a little easier through the night as I was distracted by dancing. We returned to the hotel around midnight, and I told myself that "yes, it is too late to call.... and if they needed me, they'd call!" We had breakfast the next morning at Kevin's Uncle Don and Aunt Linda's with Brain, Amanda, and Grandma and Grandpa Fawcett. It was a very nice visit, and when we said our good-byes, I was ready to be home.
24 hours and he didn't forget who we were!

He's been blowing raspberries for a while now, but now he's trying to do the little indian chant on his own, and to move his fingers up and down on his own lips to make silly sounds.

He still only has the one tooth, but I'm pretty sure there are more on their way shortly. He's constantly gumming on something, usually whatever he can get his mouth on, even his pudgy little toes.

Tonight we begin a new phase, as mommy heads to work at the store when daddy gets home from his day at work. Daddy will be flying solo from dinner until bed time tonight. I might be home on time to say good night, if he's up past 9. If not, I will learn how daddy feels when he is out late and only gets to kiss the sleeping head of our beautiful baby boy.

So, good night Sweet Angel, mama will see you in the morning.


Veronika said...

Beautifuly written! I come to your blog every day to see if you've updated.
Congratulations on quitting smoking! It's easy to drop a bad habit when you have a little fella as cute as he!
What kind of work will you be doing?

Peggy said...

Hi Mandi. I clicked on your name in Tee's comments and thought I'd say hello to a fellow Canuck (and fellow Ontarian - I'm not too far from you). Beautiful little boo you have there!! He's gorgeous.

Tee/Tracy said...

So sweet.

I love his hat.

Tammy Williams said...

Gorgeous Baby! What do you do for a living aside from Mommy? Thanks for looking at my blog. Can I add you to mine?