Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Picnics in the Park

We've been pretty lucky this summer to have company almost every week! Gramma Brown has made and effort to come up as much as she was able to this summer to visit with us. There have been weeks where we were lucky enough to have 2 visits in a week! Gramma has to go back to work in the next couple of weeks when school starts. I'm sure we'll still see her often, but I must say, her visiting this summer has been nice for me. Sometimes through the day, you just want to talk to someone who doesn't wear sleepers with feet and drool! I'm talking about Kemper here, not Kevin! I absolutly love my time with my son, but 8 hours is a long time sometimes.

I've been fortunate enough to see my friend Jen and my cousin Stephanie almost daily lately with our nightly walks. We plan on continuing this, minus Steph, because she goes back to the University of Waterloo in less than two weeks.

Gramma Brown and I had been planning a picnic in the park for most of the summer, but everytime we got together it would be yucky weather. Finally, two weeks ago the weather was nice enough and we were able to get our picnic in. There is a waterfront park very close to our house so we ventured out with stroller and picnic basket in tote. Once we reached our destination, we couldn't help but notice how WiNdY it was! We were able to enjoy our lunch, but didn't spend as much time down by the water as we may have like to, as the wind was threatening to blow Kemper away!

Thanks for a fun summer Gramma B!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gramma B. has enjoyed every minute that she has spent with you guys this summer. I just wish the time didn't pass so quickly. Kevin and Mandi, you have the most beautiful little boy and I love you all so much!
Gramma B. aka Mom