Thursday, June 09, 2005

What are little boys made of?

The song goes something along the lines of "dirt and snails and puppy dog tails, that's what little boys are made of". I'm sure that we'll get to that point, but as for right now, he is everything wonderful! We can already feel the love that radiates from this little boy; by the way he looks at us..... the way he coo's to try to communicate with us... what an angel!

At his two month check up, I asked the doctor the same thing I asked at his 1 month check up, "Is that thing ever going to fall off?" By "that thing", I was refering to his cord stump. In everything you read and with everyone you talk to, the stump should fall off within 7 to 14 days. Kemper's finally fell off on June the 6th. That's 9 1/2 weeks!

Another milestone met this week, last night he slept from 10:30 until 5:30! I'm certainly not expecting this every night from here on in, but it sure was nice! I only got up once through the night to "pee", a.k.a. checking on Kemper. Sleeping peacefully, like the lil' sweetpea that he is.

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