Friday, January 27, 2006

Daddy's First Over Nighter.... alone.

Went well. Very well.

I was able to leave in the afternoon, totally confident that my men would be alright. I can honestly say that I wasn't worried at all. I don't know if that makes me a bad mom, or makes Kevin a good dad. I think it's the latter.

Bon Jovi kicked some serious butt. If it wasn't "the" best it was definitly one of "the" best shows I've seen, but that's a different story, for a different blog.

This was the first time that I was away, by myself, for more that a few hours. It was great, and I had a wicked good time with Debbie and Sandra. It was when I first woke up in the morning that I really started missing them... all of them. Kemper, Kevin and Corson too. I didn't rush home though. I hung around with my ma-in-law for a few hours and didn't leave to come home until around 12:30. By the time I stopped at Walmart to make my weekly deposit, and made the journey home it was almost 3 O'clock. The first thing I see is my sweet little man's face, greeting me with a great big smile. My men had a great night and day without me. I'll tell you, it makes having to go back to work and do the midnight shift much easier when you know that everything will be okay.

I'm not overly excited about going back to work, but I've accepted it now. Only a little over a month left.....

Here's one of Kemper's newest tricks, I'm sure you'll get as much of a kick out of it as we did!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Originally uploaded by Kemper's Mommy.
This is one of the photo's we got taken for Christmas.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Busy Bee

Kemper is pretty good at letting us know when it's bed time now. We'll be hanging out in the livingroom playing, when suddenly he takes off frantically in the direction of the bathroom. I'm not sure if he thinks his daddy's in there or he has figured out the bath time routine, but if the door is closed, he sure lets me know. When I open the door it's straight to the tub (thank goodness it's not to the toilet), where he watches the water fill up. He dances back and forth in an excited manner! Bath time! Bath time! I'm so glad that he likes the big boy tub. We were a little worried when we made the transfer from the kitchen sink to the big tub. I only had to get in with him once, and he seemed okay after that. Now he would stay in there all night if he could! He loves splashing and carrying on, and just being in the water.
I know at some point, this love of baths will not be a love anymore, so we're enjoying the time when he does want to be clean and smell nice!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

9 Months, and Where Have We Been?

Wow.... where exactly did the holiday's go? Well, they've been and gone and we have lots of new toys and clothes to prove it! Kemper was more than spoiled by everyone. Thanks everyone!

My lack of Blogging was 1st of all due to the video I was putting together for our parents for Christmas. It turned out awesome! Secondly, there was so much going on over the last month that I just didn't have time to sit down and chill at the computer!

In one month, so much has changed. As you can see in the first picture, Kemper has now graduated to the big tub. Not crazy about it at first, but soon enough was loving all the space to play around. The wee soldier cut three more teeth in 2 days. He stands up in his crib. He stands up at the furniture. He moves around the furniture. *sighs* I can hardly believe that he is 9 months old. He eats crackers, and grilled cheese, and vegetables.... and cheerios, and yogourt... wow. Everyday Kevin and I look at him and think, "Wow.... this little man used to eat 8 times a day, and in between eating, he'd sleep, and poop.... and that was it. Now he's crawling all over the house, he's got his own little personality, he dances.... "

What an incredible first 9 months.

We have a couple of bites for daycare. It sure is making my life a little easier. March is sneaking up quickly. Then we'll be in for a whole new world!

Thanks for stopping by!