Tuesday, July 04, 2006

As We Celebrate

Canada's birthday, we enjoy some downtime at Kevin's family's cottage. Kemper's second visit, and most active one. We tried swimming and playing with the hose and just enjoyed the outdoors.

We've had success in the daycare department. She is wonderful. And Kemper loves her, and the kids that she cares for. Third times a charm I suppose. It certainly makes being back at work much easier.

Here are some pic's from the weekend, enjoy.


NegZero said...

Looks like a blast. We hung around town that weekend and I took Emily to the fireworks. 11pm + 3 year old = grumpy next day, but it was worth it! Talk to you soon, and mabey we'll SEE YOU GUYS when we move closer next month!

NegZero said...

Update already BOOOOOO...