Today my friend Tab and I got together for the first time in over a year.
Tab called yesterday and asked if Kemper and I wanted to go to the Sweet Water Festival at the Wye Marsh. And I thought to myself, "it's supposed to be a great day tomorrow," so I said sure.
The morning started out great... I got to sleep in until 9:30(!!!) this morning. It was great. But then, I had a late start to getting ready for our adventure. By the time I got up and dressed and Tab got in to town, it was a little after 11.
We finally made our way to the Wye Marsh. Maybe I am naive, because I never think anyone goes to any of those things. Perhaps its because I'm a local and I always take these places for granted.... There was no parking in the parking lot. The parking was about a 10-15 minute walk away from the actual entrance.
No big deal, right?
So how about when you are with an almost 2 year old (next week!), and your forgot to bring a half decent stroller, and you are creeping up on nap time.... time to turn around and get the three wheel stroller....
The stroller at our house was locked in our shed, with the key on Kevins key ring, it the change room at the arena..... so we picked the next best place and stopped at Nana and Papa's.
By the time we rounded up a stroller and made it back to the Wye Marsh, I was actually a little suprised Kemp was still awake!
We managed to push through the crowds (we pretty much avoided the whole maple syrup production) and make it to the trumpeter swans. Watching Kempers amazement at the swans made the whole ordeal worth it.
A great way to end the week.