Thursday, May 17, 2007

Because He's Two.

I've been saying that a lot lately.

Making excuses I guess.

He's a full blown *toddler* now.

We have our moments. Probably because he's gone from "mommy's precious little angel" to "daddy's little devil". He's not really that bad. He's not really bad at all, it's just a big change going from a little person who wants to know so much from you, to a little person who is telling you how things are, and is daily trying to gain more independence.

We are starting to see new found fears in our little man. The other night Kemper and I were having a shower (sometimes it's just easier to do two showers at once), when Kemper started losing his mind. He was crying hysterically. Tears and shakes and screaming about something. He was telling me something went down the drain, but when I did a scan of the bath tub toys, they were all there.... hmmm..... then I noticed that the sliver of soap that was left on the edge of the tub was MIA. Ah ha. When I finally (after about TWO minutes) got him to stop sobbing, I explained to him that the soap went down the drain, but it's okay, cause the fishies will sure like that we shared our soap with them. Okay. We made it through that one.

"Where's the soap, mommy?"

This has been pretty much a daily question since the soap incident. I make him tell me where the soap is. He's pretty cool with that.

Unfortunately, now that he has figured out that more than just soap can go down the drain, shower and bath time has been much more interesting... We're hoping we can keep his fears to a minimum, and I find it rather unfortunate that something he used to love, is almost stressing him out now.

We'll just keep reassuring him....

On a brighter note, one of his first full sentences was the following:

"I watch daddy play hockey on Saturday."

And he pretty much tells everyone... ladies at the grocery store, people walking by, his baby-sitter..... The last time he watched Kevin play hockey was almost two months ago...


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, angel or devil, he's still nana & papa's boy. He's just the greatest...

Tee/Tracy said...

Awh :) Enjoy him Mandi. They sure grow up fast. I know it's cliche but it's so true. And "Because he's 2" is a perfectly good excuse :)