Thursday, March 06, 2008

It Takes a Village

I have recently embarked on a new challenge. This challenge will benefit my family, by eventually giving me more time with them, and potentially a larger income, and will benefit me by allowing me to spend more time with my boys, and ensuring that I will be able to make it to Kemper's first hockey game.

It has been 9 years since I've forced my brain to consume anything other than how to fit 275 people into a hall for a wedding reception, or how to fit Mega Bloks together to make a beautiful castle. I had been talking about it for a while, and finally called and registered for Real Estate College.

It's been about a month now, of juggling a full time job, managing a family and finding time to absorb what the basics of REBBA 2002 are.

Kevin and I have been fortunate since the birth of Kemper, (and before even, ask my mom & dad about having their daughter move back in while she's on bed rest, and her husband is in school 2 hours away, full time!!) to have tonnes of help from our parents. If we even need a night of peace and relaxation, someone is sure to scoop him away for the evening.

Since Mom's been hitting the books, Kemper's been whisked away to Gramma & Grampa's for a weekend, and had a couple of sleepovers at Nana & Papa's so I can focus on my studies.

I miss the wee man while he's gone, but 100% appreciate all of the help!

Thank you, my little village!

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