Wow.... where exactly did the holiday's go? Well, they've been and gone and we have lots of new toys and clothes to prove it! Kemper was more than spoiled by everyone. Thanks everyone!
My lack of Blogging was 1st of all due to the video I was putting together for our parents for Christmas. It turned out awesome! Secondly, there was so much going on over the last month that I just didn't have time to sit down and chill at the computer!
In one month, so much has changed. As you can see in the first picture, Kemper has now graduated to the big tub. Not crazy about it at first, but soon enough was loving all the space to play around. The wee soldier cut three more teeth in 2 days. He stands up in his crib. He stands up at the furniture. He moves around the furniture. *sighs* I can hardly believe that he is 9 months old. He eats crackers, and grilled cheese, and vegetables.... and cheerios, and yogourt... wow. Everyday Kevin and I look at him and think, "Wow.... this little man used to eat 8 times a day, and in between eating, he'd sleep, and poop.... and that was it. Now he's crawling all over the house, he's got his own little personality, he dances.... "
What an incredible first 9 months.
We have a couple of bites for daycare. It sure is making my life a little easier. March is sneaking up quickly. Then we'll be in for a whole new world!
Thanks for stopping by!
Three teeth in 2 days? He's growing so fast!
Take care-
Wow he's getting big... Going back to work will be tough, but he'll do great, he'll just appreciate you even more when you are there for him!
Talk to you soon Mandi.
Oh, he is so sweet! Glad to see you back, Mandi. The first picture makes me want to take a bath :)
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